A page from my journal - digging out of a bad headspace. bouncing back mindset Sep 10, 2024

Prologue: This is longer than usual because I'm sharing my very real struggle of getting myself back in a good headspace after a disappointing day. On Friday, Moxie and I had Rally, and it didn't go well. As I write this on Saturday morning, we are entered in...

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Getting ahold of stress. anxiety & fear stress Sep 03, 2024

Stress is a normal part of life—especially for those of us who compete in dog sports. Whether it's the pressure of performing well, the fear of failure, or just trying to stay focused, stress can creep in and throw us off our game. While you can't avoid stress entirely, you ...

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You are upset because you care. bouncing back mindset Aug 27, 2024

Two different clients recently asked me, "But why do I get so upset?" My answer was simple, "Because you care."


Of course, my answer doesn't solve the problem of getting upset, and I don't think it should. What I mean is, we should care deeply about...

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My favorite zero-point run! fun process Aug 20, 2024

I had one of those runs this past weekend where the score does not tell the story.


Moxie and I were entered in two Rally runs on Friday in our quest to pick up some Masters points towards our RACH. Our first run was a respectable 98, giving us 8 points - Yay, us! The run wasn't memorable...

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The power of positive momentum confidence mindset Aug 13, 2024

Have you ever noticed how much easier it is to keep going when things are going well in the ring? That's the power of positive momentum, and it's just as critical in dog sports as it is in any other part of life. We shift our mindset when we focus on the positives—our progress, the bond...

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If Bambi would have just paused! mindset self-talk Aug 06, 2024

We are very emotional when it comes to competing, and the reason is pretty simple: we care what happens. The downside is that the same emotion that fuels us can also get in our way when things don't go the way we expect or hope.


I'm never going to tell...

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Mindset on display in Paris big events mindset Jul 30, 2024

Since the torch arrived to the Seine, my productivity has been in the proverbial tank. I've downloaded two apps, watched a lengthy post on the rules of Rugby 7s, and rolled out of bed early only to move to the couch in front of the TV. I am an Olympics addict.


Like the lifeguard at the...

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Are you flexible or bouncy? adaptable resilience Jul 23, 2024

The need to be flexible - or adaptable - is on my mind, especially after watching handlers have to adapt during the Rally and Obedience Nationals. Big events tend to spotlight our weak spots, but that doesn't mean we only need to be adaptable at nationals; adaptability comes...

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Recognizing stress in all its forms. mindset stress Jul 16, 2024

I recently posed a question to the "hive mind" on Facebook requesting ideas for supporting a dog who "stresses down." First, I received a lot of great comments - thanks to all who chimed in! Second, I received many private messages from people who had never heard the...

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Starting a reflection habit (like the Olympians!) feedback journal Jul 02, 2024

I'm fully immersed in "Olympic season," which begins with the trials and culminates with the passing of the torch. I've always been a geek for this "season" with its many thrills of victory, so consider this your warning - LOL.


Not surprisingly, I'm obsessed with the mental games...

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Spinning catastrophic tales. anxiety & fear mindset Jun 25, 2024

The other day, I was spinning. I was worrying  - no, fretting - about something that might or could happen, and then planning what to do about it. I was burning a LOT of energy on "negative fantasy island." It wasn't fun.


I saw myself doing it - I was fully aware. I knew I...

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Does you plateau makes you want to jump off a ledge? frustration mindset Jun 18, 2024

We've all been there. Working hard, putting in the hours, training your dog for agility, obedience, or rally competitions, and you hit the wall. (Open purgatory, anyone?) Progress comes to a screeching halt. It feels like you've hit an invisible wall. It might be normal - even expected...

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