Get your spark back! goals why Jan 28, 2025
Fall Back in Love with Dog Sports

There was a time when you couldn't wait to train. When stepping into the ring filled you with excitement instead of dread. When you and your dog felt like an unstoppable team.


But lately? Not so much. Maybe you're questioning why you even started. Maybe your go...

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Creative goal-setting for dog handlers goals planner Jan 21, 2025

Goal-setting in dog sports often sounds like this:

"I want to earn my MACH."

"We need three more Qs for our next title."

"I just want my dog to stop knocking bars!"

But here's the thing—goals aren't just about end results. They're about the process, the mindset, and the habits that get ...

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What if I fail? The mindset shift that will change how you set goals. failure goals Dec 17, 2024

It’s that time of year again—goal season! You’re reflecting on this past year, looking ahead to the next, and dreaming of what you and your dog can achieve together. But for some handlers, there’s an uncomfortable question lingering in the back of their minds: What if I write down my goals but don’t...

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Embrace your villain era. goals grit Dec 10, 2024

If you’ve spent any time on social media lately, you might have seen the phrase “villain era” floating around. It’s trendy, it’s cheeky, and—most importantly—it’s a reminder that maybe, just maybe, it’s time to put yourself first for a change. But before you panic, no, this doesn’t mean you need to ...

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Head into '25 with a clean slate. dogged goals Dec 03, 2024

As the end of the year approaches, it’s natural to start thinking about what’s next. For many of us, that means setting new goals and dreaming about what we want to accomplish in the coming year. But before you dive into planning, there’s a crucial step you can’t skip: reviewing the year that’s just...

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Better ways to measure progress. goals measure Sep 17, 2024

On a coaching call the other day, I said something that was an "Ah-ha" moment for both of us: "I believe that you are focusing on your process goals, but I think you're measuring by outcomes."


The handler agreed, and we went on to unpack how this was showing up and what she could do about it. Bu...

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When comparison becomes our measuring stick. comparison goals May 28, 2024

When I talk to handlers, comparison often comes up in some form or another - which is why I talk about it as much as I do, I suppose. This weekend, while giving a seminar, another possible cause of comparison surfaced: We look to others when we don't have a good way of measuring our own progress.


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Amp up your success with this question. goals mindset Feb 20, 2024

Because you are receiving this newsletter, I know you embrace process goals (I see you and appreciate you!). Yet, clarifying your process goals can be tough for some. So, I have a question: "What does success look like?"

This is a common question in the corporate world used to evoke clarity and def...

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How it all started! goals mindset Feb 09, 2024

I consider February my anniversary month. I don't remember the exact day I launched The Q Coach, but I know it was this month, eight years ago! (Wow!)


There were two things I knew I wanted to address in the dog handler community: goal-setting and the mental game. Goal-setting because every handl...

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Congrats on working on your mindset! goals mindset Dec 19, 2023

I spent the weekend glued to, trying to catch my clients' runs. If you were there, know that my dogs thought I'd unlocked a new level of insanity since I was simultaneously cheering and crying at the TV in between yelling about the livestreaming issues. (I'm complex, okay - ha). I was INVESTE...

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Are you celebrating the right things? comparison goals Oct 24, 2023

My social media post for today was "Don't forget to sing when you win." It's a line from the opening song in the show "Welcome to Wrexham."* 


I LOVE this reminder. At some point, nearly every coaching call includes interrupting my clients to celebrate something they just told me. In their mind, ...

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Committed but not motivated. goals mental skills Sep 26, 2023

You might be surprised, but no matter how important a particular goal is, you won't always be motivated to go after it. Most of the time, you won't be motivated at all.


No, I'm not trying to depress you. Motivation is an emotion, and relying on a feeling to achieve your goals isn't the best plan...

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