When real life interrupts your plan (or, Mox we've gotta RUN!) goals mental skills May 04, 2021

The other weekend I was running agility with Moxie. As the cruelty of the schedule gods would have it, we were in the first and last classes of the day.

Or so I thought.

So there I was hanging out in the parking lot, spread out in my end spot with Indie lounging in the sun, and I just happened to...

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Is comparison stealing your joy? goals mental skills Apr 20, 2021

Theodore Roosevelt famously said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.”

Social media has almost set us up to compare our real lives with those carefully curated and shared on platforms designed to judge. (Don’t believe me? Think about the origins of Facebook!). And social platforms...

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How are you investing in your dog? goals Nov 14, 2019

If you’ve been following me, you may have noticed that my inspiration for these blogs mostly comes from three sources: the struggles clients share with me; the new things I learn and can’t wait to pass on; and the sh*t I am personally going through. Today’s blog is brought to...

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Hold on loosely. goals Sep 11, 2019
Photo by Kim Perry

Sometimes it’s hard to have goals in the dog world. We put these plans together and set milestones for each dog only to have fate intervene. Injuries – ours or the dog’s – sideline us, a financial hiccup keeps us from entering, we lose our dog...

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